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College Library
College Library

The college is proud of its beautiful, big & computerized double storey library. It has important text books on all subjects & subscribes to literary magazines, current affairs magazines & newspapers etc. Recently the College has purchased latest encyclopedias to enrich our Library. We feel proud that our college library has a number of rare books on all the subjects. The Library has a collection of around 26000 books. A Committee has also been formed to supervise the functioning of the library.

Please use this link to search or find the availability of a book in the college library:

The library rules are briefly given below :

1. Each student must possess the Identity Card issued by the college in order to sit in the college library.

2. Carrying mobile phones are strictly prohibted in the college library.

3. Talking shouting or speaking loudly is strictly prohibited in the college library.

4. The proper order of furniture and chairs in the college library must not be disturbed.

5. Read books in the library with solemnity.

6. Only two books can be issued to a student at a time and for 15 days only against the library identity card.
Keeping books for more than 15 days entails a fine as per library rules.

7. If a book is damaged in any way or marked or torn or lost by a student he or she will have to pay twice the price of the book. If the book is part of a set of volumes & is not available separately, the price of the whole set will have to be paid.

8. Reference books, newspapers, magazines and books reserved specially shall not be issued to the students.

9. The librarian can recall a book from a student at any time.

10. Carrying deadly weapons of any kind is not allowed inside the college library.