Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College Sarhali Punjab - Home
College Helpline: 95017 46500, 94179 56567, 95019 44119, 94179 36759
Discipline and Code of Conduct for Students: Important Instructions
1 It is imperative to obey the rules set by the college.

2 Cooperate with college teachers to maintain discipline.

3 A Committee of Teachers regularly supervises discipline matters in the college.

4 The discipline committee after investigating a case of indiscipline or misbehaviour shall penalise the student concerned.

5 It is imperative for each student to keep the identity card issued by the college with him/her.

6 Ragging in any form is strictly banned in the college campus. On being found guilty, strict disciplinary and legal action will be taken as per rules.

7 Wearing kurta pajamas, chains, lockets and ear rings etc are prohibited in the college campus.

8 Wearing gaudy or gorgeous or improper dress is not allowed in the college campus.

9 Strict disciplinary action will be taken against students who do not bring books as per the instruction of their teachers misbehave with them or disrupt teaching in the class. Their parents will also be informed.

10 Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student  who  causes  damage to college Property / infrastructure, building, furniture etc. The student will be penalized and the loss will be recovered from the student after due assessment.

11 Carrying mobile phones in college campus is strictly prohibited.

12 The college is not responsible for the loss of mobile or other valuables of a student in the college campus.

13 The college shall not be held responsible in any way for any consequence whatsoever which may arise on account of fighting among the students themselves and any injury sustained by students or accident.

14 Students are not allowed to form any student union or group or be a member/office bearer of a union or group in the college campus without the permission of the Principal. The violator will be fined Rs 5000 on the spot and disciplinary action will be taken against him.

15 Outside mischievous persons (whether they come on their own or are invited) are not allowed to enter the college campus. The violator will be fined Rs 10000 on the spot and appropriate legal action will be taken against him.

16 Carrying deadly weapons of any kind is not allowed inside the college campus.