1. Fee concession will be given to needy and Amritdhari Sikh students or any other deserving EWS students according to their academic performance and after the recommendation of the designated committee & approval by the Patron of the college.
2. Application for fee concession will be accepted only from July to October in a session. Thereafter no application will be accepted.
3. Fee concession is not a legal right but only a relief or concession to the needy/deserving students according to the rules.
4. Concessions will also be given to the meritorious students who secure position in the university merit list and sports persons as per college rules.
5. If a student is involved in acts of indiscipline or misconduct or does not take house exams or does not fulfill the university conditions his/her fee concession will be withdrawn.
6. If a candidates avails fee-concession for any amount his/her security will be not refunded.
7. Normally, fee concession by college is not given to those students who apply and avail any of the scholarship schemes available in the college.
8. Fee Concession rules and criteria can be changed by college authorities from time to time without any prior information.